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  • 釀造屬於你的康普茶

    Brew Your Own Kombucha

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Zestea Mission


We exist to create real, organic, raw, and all-natural beverage that consumers can have more choices when they are not drinking water, we aim to help them stay at their best so they can live happier, healthier and feel great. Giving consumers an energized lift to their day while keeping their minds and bodies ultimately balanced and regulated.

Back to Nature By Zestea

Sip Beyond the Ordinary

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The Magic of Zestea


Sourced from renowned tea estates; carefully crafted in small batch ; nurtured through a meticulous fermentation process; and delivered to you and your loved ones straight from ours. We value each step in our craft and pay homage to the forces of nature that make it possible, all the while fulfilling our commitment to the earth. The culmination is our exceptional kombucha.

See Our Process
 | Zestea Kombucha - 100%在地精釀正宗活菌康普茶
The People behind Zestea


It all began when we were faced with the complicated ingredient lists behind commercially available beverages: Why do we know so much about the food we eat, but not the beverage we drink? This simple question led us to create Zestea.

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 | Zestea Kombucha - 100%在地精釀正宗活菌康普茶
How we brew Differently

在釀造過程中擁抱可持續性是邁向更綠色未來的重要一步。通過採購有機、當地種植的原料,減少用水,以及實施節能高效的釀造方法, 降低Zestea對於環境影響。這些努力不僅創造出優質的飲品,還有助於保護我們的地球

Embracing sustainability in the brewing process is an important step towards a greener future. By sourcing organic, locally-grown ingredients, reducing water usage, and implementing energy-efficient brewing methods, Zestea can significantly decrease our environmental impact. These efforts not only create a quality beverage, but also help preserve our planet.

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 | Zestea Kombucha - 100%在地精釀正宗活菌康普茶
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  • Zestea

    什麼是正宗康普茶 | WHAT IS REAL KOMBUCHA?

    康普茶(英文:Kombucha)的別名又稱「紅茶菌」、「胃寶」,是一種富含益生菌和健康酸的發酵茶, 康普茶歷史悠久,近年來引發「康普茶風潮」。Zestea 康普茶僅使用 4 種單純原料精釀:純淨過濾水、台灣在地永續種植茶葉、巴西永續種植蔗糖和SCOBY(醋酸菌和酵母菌的共生菌)。在地茶葉讓Zestea康普茶層次豐富,好喝的同時又能促進腸道健康。
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  • Zestea

    無糖康普茶? | Sugar free Kombucha?

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    康普茶對皮膚有好處? | Is kombucha good for your skin?

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  • Zestea

    7件你不知道的康普茶小事 Pt.1 I 7 Things You Didn't Know About Kombucha Pt.1

    康普茶其實源自2000年前的中國秦朝,因為含有豐富的益生菌、抗氧化劑和維生素B等特點,如今在健康界引起極大關注。儘管聽起來可能有些神秘,但背後有科學支持和幾世紀的經驗智慧,讓你喝下去的每一口康普茶都可以成為邁向身心健康的一步,這種古老的碳酸飲品已然變成了一種現代最潮流的健康飲料。 還想知道更多有關康普茶的小秘密?今天Zestea來分享7件你不知道的康普茶小事
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