Hi 我們是 Zestea 創辦人 Sharon & Cindy。
Hello! We are Sharon & Cindy, the founders of Zestea Kombucha.
Kombucha has always been a healthy, trendy, and popular diet trend around the world. There is even an entire shelf dedicated to Kombucha in European and American hypermarkets.
Sharon 在健康餐飲業工作多年後,2015 年前往紐約 Institute of Culinary Education 進修創業課程,就在那一年被康普茶獨特的風味和健康益處深深吸引,隨後向好朋友 Cindy 分享。
In 2015, Sharon was studying in New York at the Institute of Culinary Education after several years of working in the healthy food & beverage industry. During her adventures in NYC, she became immersed in the wonderful world of Kombucha. The tangy yet refreshing flavor of her first sip of Kombucha changed her world. Sharon wanted to share her love of Kombucha with her friend, Cindy.
It’s a pity that we can’t find good and authentic Kombucha in many cities in Asia. We have been thinking about what technology is needed to make a good Kombucha bottle and how to make it tasty for people?
Therefore, we have visited various tea farms and brewed our own kombucha in order to achieve a great flavor:
- 不使用康普茶濃縮液 Never Compromise:
現在喝到的 Zestea 康普茶,每一瓶都是 100% 小批精釀的成品,裡面都是茶葉、蔗糖加入共生菌(SCOBY)後靜置 20-30 天發酵而成的,並非使用濃縮液,也不是調配出來的,經過長時間發酵產生益生菌,如此一來才會喝到真正對身體有益的活菌。(也是因為這樣,所以 Zestea 全程使用冷藏配送,確保康普茶活菌送到家裡的時候還是蹦蹦跳的)
The Zestea Kombucha I drink now, each bottle is a 100% small batch of refined products, which are made of tea, sucrose and SCOBY and then fermented for 20-30 days. It is not concentrated. The liquid is not formulated. After a long period of fermentation, probiotics are produced, so that you can drink live bacteria that are really beneficial to your body. (Because of this, Zestea uses refrigerated delivery throughout the entire process to ensure that the live Kombucha is still bouncing when delivered to home) - 親自走訪各個原料的產地 Visit Various Tea Farms:
康普茶是一個用茶為基底做發酵的飲品。亞洲是世界茗茶的聚集地,我們親自走訪各個產地,在多元性的食材中找到最適比例,每一口風味裡都能夠帶出亞洲茶味的平衡系列感。Zestea 康普茶都使用在地原料,在地生產,如此一來碳足跡才得以減少。
Asia has a long tradition of drinking tea, and kombucha is a fermented tea drink. We personally visited several tea farms and selected the best tea for making Kombucha. With every sip, Zestea Kombucha brings out the taste of a balanced series of Asian teas. By using local ingredients and producing locally, Zestea Kombucha reduces the carbon footprint of its production. - 相信天然草本植物就是最自然的調味 Natural Herbs are the Best Flavorings:
Zestea 完全不使用任何調味劑、添加劑,原料包含水只有 4-5 種,只有使用天然草本植物增添風味,唯有這樣才可以喝到最清爽、自然、獨特香氣的在地康普茶。
Zestea does not use any flavoring agents or additives. We use only natural herbs in our products. It is the only way to get the most refreshing, natural and unique aroma from local kombucha.
為了讓更多人可以享受到優質美味的康普茶,我們創立了自己的品牌 - Zestea Kombucha,一瓶精心釀造,健康,美味的飲料就此誕生。
We decided to share our passion for Kombucha with people by creating our own brand of Kombucha - Zestea Kombucha, a delicately handcrafted natural and deliciously refreshing beverage that not only tastes good but leaves you feeling fresh and filled with probiotics.

寫在最後 Last but not Least
我們在想,康普茶討喜的微酸、微氣泡口感,加上其富含的益生菌、維生素 B、葉酸、茶多酚等營養價值,一定能夠很快地成為每個人餐桌上的一分子,幫助大家永遠保持在最佳狀態,生活過得更快樂、更健康、感覺更棒。
We believe that Kombucha will soon become a part of everyone's dining tables due to its refreshing and bubbly taste along with its rich probiotics, vitamin B, organic acid, and other nutritional benefits. We aim to help you stay at your best so you can live happier, healthier and feel great.
We hope to share more of our knowledge and experience in the area of Kombucha in addition to delicious Kombucha. Perhaps you can become a Kombucha and healthy food expert among your friends.
希望你會喜歡 Zestea,我們會通過 Facebook 和 Instagram 不斷更新我們的最新消息,歡迎追蹤我們。
Hope you enjoy Zestea Kombucha, we will update our latest news on Facebook and Instagram, please follow us and share with your friends and families.
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zesteakombucha/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zesteakombucha/
如果你也覺得 Zestea 非常值得嘗試與推薦,也歡迎幫你分享這份快樂能量給身邊的朋友們。
By Sharon & Cindy